Adaptive Cycling Program


Cycling was the first adaptive sports program Operation Comfort started in 2005.

We have a fleet of hand cycles, road bikes, recumbent trikes and tandems we adapt and fit to you! Rides are lead by our cycling coaches with assistance from some of our Senior Veteran Athletes. Everyone involved work to keep participants safe while maximizing their independence.


Our cycling team, Team America, participates in training rides, special events, camps, clinics and competitions together throughout the year.

Rides are every Wednesday at various locations and times with 1:1, beginner, intermediate and advanced groups.

Please contact our cycling coaches using the email link at the bottom of the page to schedule a bike fitting.

There are different bikes for different abilities:



are popular among riders with lower-body impairments such as paralysis or amputation. These bikes allow cyclists to propel the 3-wheel bike using their arms.

Recumbent bikes

also called trikes, are three wheeled bikes that are lower to the ground. They are great for people with balance issues and various orthopedic challenges such as back and neck injuries.

Tandem bikes

are great for people who need assistance pedaling and steering the bike (visual impairments, traumatic brain injury, etc.). There are upright 2-wheel tandem bikes as well as 3 wheel recumbent tandems.

Upright bikes

Upright bikes are for people with the strength, balance and coordination to maintain a 2-wheel upright bike and pedal with their legs.